While this isn’t a post on what threat intelligence is or is not I’d be negligent if I didn’t at least begin to put some scope and context around this term as the focus of this post is on making threat data and intelligence actionable. Not to mention, every vendor and their grandmother is trying to use this phase to sell products and services without fully understanding or defining its meaning.
First, it is important to understand that there is a difference between data and threat intelligence. There are providers of data, which is generally some type of atomic indicator (i.e. IOC) that comes in the form of an IP address, URL, domain, meta data, email addresses or hash. This data, in its least useful form, is a simple listing of indicators without including attribution of the threat actor(s) or campaigns with which they are associated. Some providers include the malware/malware family/RAT that was last associated with the indicator (i.e. Zeus, cryptolocker, PlugX, njRAT, etc.) and the date associated with the last activity. Some other providers focus on telemetry data about the indicator (i.e. who registered the domain, geolocated IP, AS numbers, and so on). Moving up the maturity scale and closer to real intel are providers that track a series of indicators such as IP, domains/subdomains, email addresses and meta data to a campaign and threat actor or group. If we add the atomic indicators plus the tactics (i.e. phishing campaigns that include a weaponized PDF that installs a backdoor that connects to C2 infrastructure associated with a threat actor or group) used by the threat actors we start to build a more holistic view of the threat. Now that we understand tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and capability or our adversaries, we focus on the intent of the actors/groups or personas and how their operations are, or are not, potentially being directed at our organization. The final piece of the equation, which is partially the focus of this post, is understanding how we take these data feeds, enrich them, and then use them in the context of our own organization and move towards providing actual threat intelligence – but that is a post on its own.
Many organizations think that building a threat intelligence capability is a large undertaking. To some extent they are correct in the long term/strategic view for a mature threat intel program that may be years down the road. However, the purpose of this post is to argue that even with just a few data and intel sources we can enable or enhance our current capabilities such as security monitoring/analysis/response and vulnerability management services. I honestly chose these services as they fit nicely in my reference model for a threat monitoring and response program as well as threat intel which is at the center of this reference model. So let’s walk through a few examples…
Enrichment of Vulnerability Data
Vulnerability assessment programs have been around for what seems like forever, but mature vulnerability management programs are few and far between. Why is this? It seems we, as security professionals, are good at buying an assessment technology and running it and that’s about it. What we aren’t very good at is setting up a full cycle vulnerability management program to assign and track vulnerability status throughout the lifecycle. Some of the reasons are due to historical challenges (outlined in more detail in a research paper I posted here: http://goo.gl/yzXB4r) such as poor asset management/ownership information, history of breaking the infrastructure with your scans (real or imagined by IT), or way too many vulnerabilities identified to remediate. Let’s examine that last challenge of having too many vulnerabilities and see if our data and intel feeds can help.
Historically what have security groups done when they were faced with a large number of vulnerabilities? The worst action I’ve seen is to take the raw number of vulnerabilities and present them as a rolling line graph/bar chart over time. This type of reporting does nothing to expose the true risk, which should be one of the main outputs of the vulnerability management program, and infuriates IT by making them look bad. Not to mention these “raw” numbers generally tend to include the low severity vulnerabilities. Do I really care that someone can tell what timezone my laptop is set to? I don’t know about you but I doubt that is going to lead to the next Target breach. Outside of raw numbers, the next type of action usually taken is to assign some remediation order or preference to the assessment results. While a good start, most security teams go into “let’s just look at sev 4 and sev 5 vulnerabilities” mode which may result in what amounts to a still very large list. Enter our threat data…
What if we were able to subscribe to a data feed where the provider tracked current and historical usage of exploits, matched the exploit with the associated vulnerabilities, and hence the required remediation action (i.e. apply patch, change configuration, etc.)? This data, when put into the context of our current set of vulnerabilities, becomes intelligence and allows us prioritize remediation of the vulnerabilities that impose the greatest risk due to their active use in attack kits as well as non 0-day exploits being used by nation state actors. As a side note, among a few vendors there is a myth being spread that most all nation-state attacks utilize 0-days, which I find to be an odd statement given that we are so bad at securing our infrastructure through patch and configuration management that it is likely that an Adobe exploit from 2012 is going to be effective in most environments. But I digress.
So how much does using threat data to prioritize remediation really help the program in reducing risk? In my research paper (here: http://goo.gl/yzXB4r) I noted that limiting to sev 4 and sev 5 as well as using threat data it is possible to reduce the number of systems that require remediation by ~60% and the discrete number of patches that needed to be applied was reduced by ~80%. While one may argue that this may still result in a high number of patches and/or systems requiring treatment I would counter-argue that I’d rather address 39,000 systems versus 100,000 and apply 180 discrete patches over 1000 any day. At least I’m making more manageable chunks of work and the work that I am assigning results in a more meaningful reduction of risk.
Integrating Your Very First Threat Feed – How Special
In addition to creating a reference model for a security monitoring, analysis and response programs (which includes threat intel) I also built out a model for implementing the threat intel service which includes a 4 step flow of: 1. Threat Risk Analysis, 2. Acquisition, 3. Centralization, and 4. Utilization. I’ll detail this model in a future post and the fact that in a mature service there would be a level of automation, but for now I’d like to point out that it is perfectly acceptable to build a threat intel program as a series of iterative steps. By simply performing a threat risk assessment and understanding or defining the data and intel needs an organization should then be able to choose a data or intel provider that is suitable to their goals. Ironically I’ve witnessed a few organizations that went out and procured a feed, or multiple feeds, without understanding how it was going to benefit them or how it would be operationalized…I’ll save those stories for another day. And while I’m not going to cover the differences between finished intel versus indicators/data in this post, it is possible for an organization to procure feeds (open source and commercial feeds) and instrument their network to prevent activity, or at a minimum, detect the presence of the activity.
As an example, let’s say that we have a set of preventive controls in our environment – firewalls, web/email proxies, network-based intrusion prevention systems, and end point controls such as AV, app whitelisting, and host-based firewalls. Let’s also say we have a set of detective controls that includes a log management system and/or security information and event management (SIEM) which is being fed by various network infrastructure components, systems and applications, and our preventive controls mentioned above. For the sake of continuing the example let’s also say that I’m in an industry vertical that performs R&D and would likely be targeted by nation state actors (i.e. this Panda that Kitten) in addition to the standard Crimeware groups and hacktivists. With this understanding I should be able to evaluate and select a threat intel/data provider that could then be used to instrument my network (preventive and detective controls) to highlight activity by these groups. At this point you would start asking yourself if you need a provider that covers all of the type of threat actors/groups, if you need vertical-specific feeds, and if you need to ensure that you have a process to take the feeds and instrument your environment? The answer to all three is likely to be yes.
Continuing with the example, let’s say I selected a provider that provides both analyst-derived/proprietary intel in addition to cultivating widely available open source information. This information should be centralized so that an operator can assess the validity and applicability of the information being shared and determine the course of action on how to integrate this into the preventative and/or detective controls. A simple example of this may be validating the list of known-bad IPs and updating the firewall (network and possibly host-based) with blocks/denies for these destinations. Or, updating the web proxy to block traffic to known bad URLs or domains/sub-domains. One thing that shouldn’t be overlooked here would be that we trigger an alert on this activity for later reporting on the efficacy of our controls and/or the type of activity we are seeing on our network. This type of data is often lacking in many organization and they struggle to create a management-level intel reports that are specific to the organization that highlight the current and historical activity being observed. In addition, we could also take the indicators and implement detection rules in our log management/SIEM to detect and alert on this activity. Again, keep in mind that for an organization just standing up a threat intel service these may be manual processes that have the possibility of being partially automated in a later or more mature version of the service.
As a side note, one thing I’ve noticed from many of the SIEM vendors is how they try to sell everyone on the “intel feeds” that their product has and how they are “already integrated”. The problem I have with this “integration” is that you are receiving the vendor’s feed and not one of your choosing. If SIEM vendors were smart they would not only offer their own feeds but also open up integrations with customer-created feeds that are being generated from their intel program. As it stands today this integration is not as straight-forward as it should be, then again, we also aren’t doing a very good job of standardizing the format of our intel despite STIX/CyBOX/TAXII, OpenIOC, IODEF, etc. and the transfer mechanism (API, JSON, XML, etc.) being around for a while now.
To round out this example, it is also important to note that as we instrument our environment that we track the alerts generated based on our indicators back to the category or type (i.e. nation-state, crimeware, hacktivist, etc.) and if possible track back to the specific origin of the threat (i.e. Ukrainian crimeware groups, Deep Panda, Anonymous, etc.). This is going to be key in monitoring for and reporting on threat activity so we can track historical changes and better predict future activity. We can also use this information to re-evaluate our control set as we map the attacks by kind/type/vector and effectiveness (i.e. was the attack blocked at delivery) or the in-effectiveness (i.e. was a system compromised and only detected through monitoring) and map these against the kill chain. This type of information translates into both overall security architecture and funding requests very well.
In Summary
While this is a new and seemingly complex area for information security professionals it really isn’t that difficult to get started. This post highlighted only a few simple examples and there are many more that could be part of your phase 1 deployment of a threat intel service. My only parting advice would be to make sure you have a strategy and mission statement for the service, determine your threat landscape, define what you need out of your feeds and acquire them, centralize the information and utilize it by instrumenting and monitoring your environment. While some of the vendors in this space have great sales pitches and even really cool logos, you had better understand your requirements (and limitations) prior to scheduling a bunch of vendor demos.